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Faculty in the Spotlight: Kenyatta Collins

Kenyatta Collins

Kenyatta Collins

Assistant Professor of Psychology

A.A. in Sociology, Gloucester County College (now Rowan College of South Jersey)

B.A. in Sociology, Stockton University, NJ

M.A. in School Leadership, 

Wilmington University, DE

M.A. in Instructional Design, 

Wilmington University, DE

What I did before coming to Atlantic Cape

-Crisis Intervention Specialist at Children’s Crisis Response Center, Philadelphia, PA, 3 years
-Case Worker reuniting families back in their homes, at the Department of Human Services, Philadelphia, PA, 5 years
-Case Worker for the Department of Children and Families, Philadelphia, PA, 7 years
-Principal at Bartram Annex, an alternative high school for troubled youth, Philadelphia, PA, 5 years

Why I chose this field of study

I grew up in a church setting participating in these types of activities and services. So, I wanted my life’s work to be about serving others based on my faith, having a similar impact on people’s lives in the broader community around me.

Major highlights of my career so far

-As an alternative high school principal: Our school ranked second in the city of Philadelphia for retention and graduation for at-risk students.
-At the Department of Children and Families: I placed kids in safe homes – 110  in one year.

An interesting fact about me

I’m a real history buff. I especially enjoy reading about and exploring places and events of WWII.

A favorite book or two

Up from Slavery by Booker T. Washington and A History of Zimbabwe by Alois S. Mlambo

What I love most about teaching

I love making connections with students and helping them travel through their academic journey well.

Why I teach at Atlantic Cape

Atlantic Cape’s richly diverse student population makes for very interactive classes and interesting discussions.

Courses I usually teach

General Psychology (PSYC-101), Human Development (PSYC-225), Psychology of Adulthood (PSYC-230)